OCT 2023

  • In 2021, the Federal City Council, together with the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Georgetown Business Improvement District (BID), and National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), initiated a study to identify potential transit improvements to connect Georgetown to the Metrorail system.

    The goal of the Georgetown Transit Enhancement to Metrorail Project was to identify a preliminary range of alternatives that would provide workers, students, residents and visitors with a reliable, frequent, safe, and sustainable non-auto connection between Georgetown and the Metrorail system. A preliminary range of alternatives to provide direct, frequent, rapid transit between the Metrorail System and Georgetown were identified - including the Georgetown-Rosslyn gondola. Learn more about the study and a gondola alternative here.


  • Working to secure DC landing site

  • Georgetown Rosslyn Gondola Coalition formed.

  • Gondola presentation shared with public in variety of forums.

  • Draft financial plan completed.

  • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) estimated to cost between $1-3 Million.

  • DC Council appropriated $250,000 to begin the EIS in FY18, placing the project in the office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED).

  • Georgetown University pledged $100,000 towards the EIS

  • The Georgetown BID pledged $100,000 towards the EIS

  • Rosslyn and Georgetown business communities pledged $60,000 toward the goal of $300,000 for the private sector contribution to the EIS.

  • The Federal City Council assumed the lead role in coordinating the public private partnership to plan and develop the gondola.

  • Project sponsors actively met with the District Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration to discuss ways to move the project forward.

  • A multi-party MOA was drafted to outline roles and responsibilities of gondola project sponsors and organizers.

  • Consultants were hired to further study and coordinate planning and entitlement activities.

  • A steering committee was formed to coordinate the next phase of planning activities