OCT 2023
In 2021, the Federal City Council, together with the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Georgetown Business Improvement District (BID), and National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), initiated a study to identify potential transit improvements to connect Georgetown to the Metrorail system.
The goal of the Georgetown Transit Enhancement to Metrorail Project was to identify a preliminary range of alternatives that would provide workers, students, residents and visitors with a reliable, frequent, safe, and sustainable non-auto connection between Georgetown and the Metrorail system. A preliminary range of alternatives to provide direct, frequent, rapid transit between the Metrorail System and Georgetown were identified - including the Georgetown-Rosslyn gondola. Learn more about the study and a gondola alternative here.
Working to secure DC landing site
Gondola presentation shared with public in variety of forums.
Draft financial plan completed.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) estimated to cost between $1-3 Million.
DC Council appropriated $250,000 to begin the EIS in FY18, placing the project in the office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED).
Georgetown University pledged $100,000 towards the EIS
The Georgetown BID pledged $100,000 towards the EIS
Rosslyn and Georgetown business communities pledged $60,000 toward the goal of $300,000 for the private sector contribution to the EIS.
The Federal City Council assumed the lead role in coordinating the public private partnership to plan and develop the gondola.
Project sponsors actively met with the District Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration to discuss ways to move the project forward.
A multi-party MOA was drafted to outline roles and responsibilities of gondola project sponsors and organizers.
Consultants were hired to further study and coordinate planning and entitlement activities.
A steering committee was formed to coordinate the next phase of planning activities